Bulk Chemical Suppliers

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Code : GURU-Bulk Chemical Suppliers

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Industrial Grade

Mono Ethylen Glycol Acetone Benzene
Di Ethylene Glycol Acetonitrile Methanol
Tri Ethylene Glycol Ethyle Acetate Ortho Xylene
Iso Propyl Alcohol Hydro Chloric Acid Ethylene  Di Chloride
Toluene Sulphuric Acid Tri Chloro Benzene
N Butyle Acetate N Butanol Mix Solvent

And Many More…..

Laboratory Chemical

Standrard Silver Nitrate 0.02N) Citric Acid Powder Sodium Sulphate Anhydrous
Erichrome Black T Indicator Acid Reagent Powder Pilow Potassium Hydroxide
Cal Ed Indicator Amino Acid F Reagent Powder Pillow Sodium Hydroxide
Murexide Indicator Sulfaver 4 Power Pilow Chlorotex Reagent Indicator
Phenolphthalein Indicator Nitraver 5 Reagent Powder Pilow Ammonium Hydroxide
Methyl Orange Indicator Magnesium Chloride DI Sodium Hydrogen Phosphate
Molybdate 3 Reagent Solution Sodium Chloride  Potassium DI Chlromate
Sodium Tartrate Potassium Chloride Toluene
Methanol Xylene Acetone

And Many More…..